One can find interesting items from the Eunicorn's journey caught in it. Perhaps Eunicorns have a hard time reaching their tails with the comb.
Entangled in the Eunicorn's tail is... Rocks? Bugs? Flowers from a long lost friend?
Click on an image to find out!
With this laser-cut watercolor collage, I complicate the distinction between foreground and background to create a topsy-turvy ocean. Known for having the richest biodiversity on this planet, the ocean is so colorful and diverse, yet mysterious and complex, just like the human world. Roam along the criss-crossing lines in the composition of this collage and search among the watery blobs and spotty paint for fish, clams, sea cucumbers and more. Similarly, roam along the paths in your life to new horizons and search among those you meet for your growth. The title, strung together by hyphens, emphasizes the intersection and connection between nature, people, and our journeys.
A long time ago, I had low self-confidence. Luckily, with my loved ones’ encouragement over the years, I have improved, but I still understand how low self-confidence prevents people from acknowledging their strengths and capabilities, limits them from pursuing their goals, and hurts their feelings. Whenever I hear my friends criticizing themselves unreasonably, I explain to them their good qualities because I genuinely believe in them and that it isn’t worth letting low self-esteem obstruct them. Through this painting, I want to show the viewer how self-confidence can give us great power to achieve anything. The eagle on top is made of ice, so supposedly, it’s flightless and weak to the fire around it. However, in its reflection below, it sees itself as a mighty, real eagle, a symbol of strength. Even if real eagles can get burnt too, the ice eagle’s belief in itself gives it the power to make miracles and fearlessly fly through the flames.
I’ve been raised to be optimistic and perseverant, so I believe that no matter how dark the darkness we each experience, we can support each other and come through. Still, I know that encouraging someone to overcome darkness can be challenging. I see that when my friends who confess their troubles to someone are only told to “cheer up,” they feel even more helpless or reject others’ help. Forcibly overwhelming those in darkness with positivity without truly understanding them can be hurtful instead. So, in this painting, when a brightly colored boy smiles exaggeratedly and shoots out light in an effort to cheer up the girl immersed in duller colors and darkness beneath him, the girl faces away from him and screams for him to stop. His light, like fiery sparks, is hurting her, and she doesn’t want to accept help for overcoming darkness. The boy’s sunglasses show his blindness to the girl’s true needs and that his “encouragement” is harmful.
Currently, in society, many people from students to white-collar workers feel drowned in an endless sea of work. They feel that they can’t take any breaks, or else they may get fired, miss an opportunity, or fall behind others. Even if they’re given holidays, they feel obligated to work and prepare to perform even better when the break ends. People also encounter problems that they don’t know how to solve, like when I still can’t understand a concept even after asking the teacher to explain it twice. This makes us feel lost, afraid and trapped, so I made everything, including the woman racking her brain and the desk, of and bound by pencils. I hope that no matter how close we are to giving up, we can persist to take one more step towards the finish line, where our hard work can bear fruit as beautiful as the many colors of the pencils.
Many of my peers and people of all ages play video games to the point of neglecting their work, social lives and health. Many get so addicted that they become poor, ill, and miserable. They can’t experience the real world meaningfully and are dependent on others’ help to live, like babies. Although they’re so numerous now and have recently been named “Giant Babies,” it worries me that many still see them as playful gamers, so I made this painting to educate and encourage people to avoid becoming “Giant Babies.” In my painting, the grown man is made of baby milk bottles and has a babyish posture because he is actually a dependent and ignorant “Giant Baby.” The bottles wrap around him as “Giant Babies” have great difficulty extricating themselves from their addiction. To him, his video game is his whole world, so his computer, game controller, table, and chair are made of baby milk bottles too. I used dull colors and a looming angle to convey the severity of “Giant Babies’” misery.
After watching the Star Wars movies with me, my little brother pretended to be a Jedi, master of the Force and light sabers. He wielded his ruler and wore his hood, prepared to defeat evil. In the Star Wars world, the Force and light sabers are the most powerful. In our world, I believe that the greatest power is love. From seeing my friends and family, reading stories and learning about historical figures, I’m reminded that no matter what type of love, it can change people and the world. Even gestures seemingly as small as a heartfelt birthday card can make a friend smile for the whole week. When we treat others with love and compassion, we can help to make the world brighter. In this painting, my brother swings a bright sunflower, which symbolizes love, like a sword to dispel the surrounding greyish, dull fog. His hood hides his face to convey that anyone can have the power and hope to overcome darkness.
Every day, I spot at least one person absorbed in a phone or computer, liking models’ photos on social media or reading news articles. While the internet benefits society by helping people to become more educated, aware and entertained, it can also hurt people’s happiness if the toxic parts of the internet damage their self-esteem or mislead them. My peers complain about biased news reports, or about celebrities who committed suicide due to cyberbullying. I used cool colors for highlights and warm colors for shadows, the opposite of the usual way of coloring light and shadow, and a green and red color scheme to convey the boy’s opposition to the negative influence of the internet that he consumes. His wide, open mouth mirrors the open laptop computer, as if they are shouting at each other or trying to eat each other. This painting tells us to use the internet well for spreading nutritious information like facts and positivity, and to resist and speak out against negative information.
Whenever I get a mosquito bite, it blisters, waters and itches for weeks. Whenever I hear the buzz of a mosquito, I can’t focus. Although I know that they shouldn’t be a big deal, it’s hard to keep myself from feeling paranoid about mosquitoes. Luckily, after facing them every summer for many years, my summers have become more carefree as I no longer constantly watch out for mosquitoes. In this painting, the boy stares at the spider hanging right in front of his face because he fears or is confronting it. No matter how sick he feels, as shown by the disgusted yellow filling his complexion and the spider’s eerie green reflected in his body, he is able to keep facing his fear unhesitatingly with open eyes. I made the boy’s eyes unusually wide to emphasize the importance of overcoming fear to attain joy in the long run. Since facing fears with a positive attitude is similar to enjoying a spooky festival, I named this piece “Halloween.”
When I was little, some of my peers feared growing up as a foreboding unknown and would rather immerse themselves in fun fantasies than face reality. Even now, I can understand them, as the future indeed holds unknown new challenges and responsibilities, but it is important to have a positive attitude and look forward to challenges. In this artwork, the sleeping girl is blindfolded to reality and immersed in fantasy as she wears a toy princess crown and lies in the unicorn fairy’s lap. She points to a backwards clock because she doesn’t want time to move forward and make her inevitably grow up. The ominously dark atmosphere and the unicorn fairy’s bleeding wing imply the danger in this mindset. The unicorn lady has no mouth because the girl must distance herself from fantasies. She dangles softly lit lanterns over the girl’s heart to try to give her the strength to wake up and bravely face the inevitable reality of growing up, as that will bring her true joy in the long run.
My friends and I have experienced the constraints of peer pressure, society’s norms, culture, responsibilities or parents’ high expectations that can threaten to stifle our interests, dreams, curiosity, and relationships. Some may not have the means to break out even if they really want to. However, society usually depicts kids as happily carefree and doesn’t understand kids’ strong desire to break out of what traps them. In my painting, the little girl pressed up against and pulling on a playground’s net fills up a majority of the composition to emphasize that she peers at and longs for something beyond the painting’s frame. Her worried expression suggests her stress and helplessness, but I used soft colors to imply how others may see her as merely a cute, happy child playing with a net.
Do you ever feel like you and time are playing a really intense game of tag? Chased by time like a rabbit, stumbling and tumbling to race time. Gotta do this, gotta do that, gotta be faster, faster, faster...
An upside-down clown emerging out of darkness shows how creativity brings fun and light to the world. A falling clown fading into darkness, on the other hand...
One of my friends always leaps at the chance to show others whenever he gets a good grade. At first, I thought that this was strange, but once I got to know him, I think that he gets genuine pride and happiness from striving for excellence. However, I wonder if there’s something else driving him forward. In this painting, the boy pouts and bends over cheekily to show off his success, exaggerated by his giant medal. He’s proud that he earned it for himself, as shown by his medal “Good Est. Me”, which means “goodness came from me,” similar to top brands using “est.” to show off their long history and high quality. This interpretation indicates that people can find happiness through striving for success. The medal can also be read as “Goodest Me,” weighing down the boy with the burden to keep being his best self. His pout and the childish misspelling of “Best” emphasize his vulnerability. This interpretation reflects those who feel stressed or burdened by trying to be perfect and successful.
When my little brother was born, my Chinese friends squealed, “You’re so lucky! I wish that I could have a baby brother too!” Due to the One Child Policy, many Chinese people not only have no siblings, but they also have no relatives because their parents also had no siblings. When their parents go to big cities to work, kids are left all alone, with no brothers, sisters or cousins who’ll laugh with them or lend a kind ear or helping hand on sad days. Even if the parents successfully earn money and send nice toys, clothes, or electronics back to their families, they can never fill the hole of loneliness in their children’s hearts. Thus, the little boy in this painting looks depressed despite having nice, clean clothes and a fancy toy car. I made his shirt red like a distress signal to call attention to the deep hurt that the One Child Policy inflicts on today’s children.
Throughout his childhood, this boy has not only learned how to earn A+’s, but also what a scolding pose is like and how to conjure A+’s out of blood.
While deciding whether to move to Los Angeles or not, my family had many factors to consider. My parents would have to find new jobs, and my brother and I would have to find new schools. Like the deer gazing at the two directions of the road in this painting, we were unsure of how to act. However, in retrospect, I think that we made the right choice, for along with new challenges came new joys. For decisions big and small alike, no matter what we choose to do, or if we make mistakes, the path doesn’t end. Although we can’t see the future, we should be brave to make decisions. There is always a way as long as we keep doing our best, and life goes on despite even the gravest mistakes. That’s why even if one direction of the road in this painting is dark, at some point, it’ll turn bright again.
This was the first self-portrait I had ever made.
Upon entering secondary school, I could finally learn many things that I had only dreamed of doing before while at my previous school. I basked in algebra and poems and bustled about in clubs. I was surrounded by supportive teachers and students with intellectual curiosity to learn from. I discovered and developed my interest in art. Consequently, I believe that by gathering wisdom, people can find their own direction and happiness in life. We can explore for the future by referring to others’ experiences and discoveries in humanity’s long past, symbolized by trees, which can live for hundreds of years. Thus, in this self-portrait, I put photos of trees from a science magazine on my brain. To communicate and share knowledge, humans created language and writing. I put text on my neck because I aim to keep learning to help others and share the joy of learning with them, just like our ancestors who passed such amazing knowledge down to later generations.
This painting is for the cover of a story that I’m making about Mimi, a young dolphin who gets lost from her pod. When searching for it, she ventures beyond her habitat to the unfamiliar ocean’s depths and the land’s harbors and zoos. She meets other sea creatures and people with diverse motives from survival to generosity. Who truly wants to help her and who’s just using her? Are the fisherman and the sharks predators or allies? Even if Mimi, whom I drew as pure and innocent, gets deeply hurt by betrayal and hardships, can she avoid becoming cynical, stay true to herself and persevere to find her family and make true friends? Will the beauty of her heart touch those around her and turn even the most vicious enemies into friends? Sometimes, people whom we hated turned out to be kind. We may form misconceptions and prejudices, but people can change over time. We should treat everyone sincerely and treasure our friends, as it’s the only way we’ll give people a chance to enter our hearts.
He's just goofing around, right? No harm done, right?
On the first day of the highly selective California State Summer School of the Arts (CSSSA), the painting teacher set up a huge table of flowers, bowls and other random objects and assigned us to paint a still life for our first project. On top of simply transferring what I saw onto the canvas, I wanted to let my imagination work too. I suddenly recalled the holograms of robots and code that Iron Man invented for his fantastical suits, and the augmented reality on my friends’ Pokemon Go cameras. What if, in the near future, virtual reality becomes so advanced that the graphics are exactly like the real objects? What will users’ new view of the world look like then? My still life maintains the objects’ original appearance, but the transparent intersections make the viewer wonder about the future of virtual reality, how it will affect people’s daily lives, and which objects are real and which are illusions.